Hey guys! How are you doing ?. I m sorry I couldn't reply to some of your messages and questions through messenger as I was bit busy packing up my things back to Philippines. So this time, I wanna answer some of the most frequently asked questions from some of my Instagram and Facebook followers. Questions and Answers part 1 consist of the following subjects ; "Are you too old to become an airline Pilot ?", "Why m I wearing epaulettes during training ?". Are you too old to become an airline Pilot ? In my opinion, you are never too old to become a Pilot. If money isn't a problem, there is only one thing which is limiting and that is your medical. To give you an example, there are many old age trainee Pilots (60's +) from different countries that I had encountered during my visit to many different flying schools in the Philippines. Can you imagine ? As long as you are healthy and mentally fit, you can become a Pilot. It's totally a different s...