Hey everyone! How are you guys ? Thanks for checking in to this blog. I have always been excited about interacting with all of you on my favorite topics. Well, I know I have been missing for couple of months from writing up blogs. I m sorry to do so as I was busy spending time with family and vacations. Thank you for those which had checking on me through social platforms and email. I m absolutely fine in health and doing just fine. :) "Your eyes can either be your best friend or your enemy" I have been receiving emails and messages from many of you related to eye power and its limitations. Many of you also asked whether is it 'OK' to wear a pair of glasses for flying. See, flying is an inherently visual activity and being able to see is a Pilot's most important sense. Being able to clearly see your surroundings and take in information during flight is fundamental to safe and fun flying. For Pilots, it is very important to know whether they have normal un...
Hey dear aviators ! How you doing ? Thank you all once more for checking in. I'm so thankful to each and everyone of you for being my best audience. February 2018 marks my last flight in the Philippines. It wasn't an easy task for me, saying goodbye to my baby Cessna's and fantastic mechanics there. On this blog, I would like to appreciate and write up on experience I shared along with fellow aircraft mechanics. So lets get started ! Written by : Rhevin Magendran ( Malaysian ) Sources / info : Ma'm Ana Jean T. Alcorin ( Filipino ) ( 1. Former AMT Instructor in University of Perpetual Help System Dalta) ( 2. Currently being a Supervisor { Training Management Department } ) Aircraft Mechanics heart of an Aircraft ! Flying small airplanes has been a big part of my life for the year 2017 and 2018. I've made new friends, flew hundreds of miles and even carried passengers. And lets not forget the hundreds of flying and group selfie videos I posted on my ...